domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Spain Musical Evaluation

 This is our evaluation:
1st one: Tunak Tunak Tun, because greek people told us how to dance it and in almost every break we had we danced it. Plus it's a very typical song and it's very funny! 

2nd one: The Time of Our Lives, because we dance it a lot and the greek boys surprised everyone dancing it on the show. Also, the title explains perfectly how we enjoyed the trip, because we all had the time of our lives!

 3rd one: La Macarena, because when the show ended everyone who was still there danced it and it was amazing seeing so much people dancing a spanish song. Plus, everyone from everywhere knew how to dance it, and we had a great time dancing together!
4th one:We are the champions: because it's a song with a lot of energy and very powerful, and all the comenius people who went to Germany was people with so much energy and they wanted to have a really good time.
5th one:Terroristas (Harlem Shake): because is a very funny song and obviously because we danced the famous dance of this song.

And the 6th one:Color esperanza: because this is the song which we sang in the school and it's a song with a lot of meaning and it's a very positive song.